This competition aims to engage young people in Dominica (ages 17-30 years) in the Jazz ‘n Creole culture and music for the 12th staging of the event.
1. Participants must be residing in Dominica and of ages 17 to 30 years old
2. Participants must have active Instagram and/or Facebook accounts/profiles
3. Participants must submit a 30 second to 40 second video either:
a. Singing a cover/rendition of a 2023 Jazz ‘n Creole mainstage artist,
b. Playing a musical instrument covering a 2023 Jazz ‘n Creole mainstage artist OR
c. Singing and playing a musical instrument covering a 2023 Jazz ‘n Creole mainstage artist
All artists include The Signal Band, Phyllisia Ross, Black Violin, Swinging Stars & the Island Jazz Collective Featuring Jussi Paavola
All video entries with the participants full name, age, musical instrument, song title and artist, and social media handle must be submitted to jlindsay@dominica.dm by April 20th,2023, at 11:59 PM. The digital marketing team will vet the video submissions and the top 5 videos to the DFC social media pages (Facebook and Instagram), tagging the participant.
The post that does the best on Instagram and Facebook (collective number of likes) will win.
a. 1 side-act accreditation to perform LIVE at Dominica’s Jazz ‘n Creole 2023
b. 1 complimentary regular ticket (for Guest) to Dominica’s Jazz ‘n Creole 2023
c. 1 Hamper from VIP Sponsor – HHV Whitchurch Limited
d. Transportation to Fort Shirley, Cabrits and back for Winner and Guest
ANNOUNCEMENT: Wednesday 5th April, 2023
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Thursday 20th April, 2023
PUBLICATION OF FINALISTS: Monday 24th April, 2023
ANNOUNCEMENT OF WINNER: Wednesday 26th April, 2023